Intermission: Elsewhere on the web
Getting closer to returning to Notes...
I’m still working on clearing my work plate and getting my life in order so I can return to writing, but I wanted to let folks here know that The Racket News is currently running a guest contribution that I wrote that combines three of my favorite things: copyright law, taking swings at seditionists, and Bill Paxton Aliens clips.
Give it a read: Josh Hawley, Intellectual Property Pirate?
I was pleased to publish it at The Racket News, as they’re doing some great center-right political commentary and have assembled a fun community in the process. Subscribe today if that kind of discussion is something that scratches an itch for you:
The Racket NewsWe tell it like it is.
In other news, here’s the latest graph from my ongoing Amazon experiment:

I’m starting to see some nice organic growth in click-throughs and revenue (still small, but growing), and it’s possible that this little side project might start paying server bills sooner than I anticipated. I’m looking forward to sharing the full details in the next Note (and explain how a charity comic book became the industry equivalent of a stock short squeeze in the process).
Stay tuned, CMDRs, and thank you for your patience with my absence.